
Preserving Beauty with Sikkens

Wood is a timeless and exquisite choice for various architectural and outdoor applications. From decks and fences to wooden furniture and siding, it adds a natural warmth and charm to our living spaces. However, to ensure that your wood surfaces maintain their longevity and beauty, proper maintenance is essential. One crucial aspect of wood care is the application of timber stains, and when it comes to reliable protection and enhancement, Sikkens stands out as a trusted name in the industry. In this blog, we’ll explore how to care for stained wood surfaces using Sikkens products, discussing cleaning, re-staining, and maintenance schedules.

Why Choose Sikkens Timber Stains?

Before delving into maintenance tips, let’s briefly understand why Sikkens timber stains are an excellent choice. Sikkens has a long history of producing high-quality wood coatings that are known for their durability and aesthetics. Their stains penetrate deep into the wood, providing protection from the inside out. They also offer a wide range of colours and finishes to enhance the natural beauty of your wood while safeguarding it against the elements.

Cleaning Your Stained Wood Surface

Properly maintaining your stained wood surface starts with regular cleaning. Dust, dirt, mildew, and other pollutants can accumulate over time, diminishing the wood’s appearance and compromising its structural integrity. Here’s how to clean your stained wood effectively:

  1. Gather Your Materials: You’ll need a bucket, mild detergent or a specialized wood cleaner, a soft bristle brush, and a garden hose with a nozzle attachment.
  2. Prepare a Cleaning Solution: Mix the detergent or wood cleaner with water in the bucket according to the product’s instructions.
  3. Scrub Gently: Dip the brush into the cleaning solution and scrub the stained wood surface. Be gentle to avoid damaging the wood fibres. For tough stains or mildew, you may need to scrub a bit harder.
  4. Rinse Thoroughly: Use the garden hose to rinse off the cleaning solution and loosened dirt. Ensure that you remove all traces of detergent or cleaner.
  5. Allow to Dry: Let the wood surface dry completely before moving on to the next steps.

Re-Staining Your Wood Surface

Over time, even the best timber stains will naturally wear down due to exposure to the elements. Re-staining is necessary to renew the protection and appearance of your wood. Here’s how to go about it:

  1. Assess the Condition: Before re-staining, examine the wood surface for signs of wear, peeling, or fading. If the existing stain is in poor condition, you may need to strip it before re-staining.
  2. Select the Right Stain: Choose a Sikkens timber stain that matches the original colour or the desired look. Be sure to follow Sikkens’ guidelines for compatibility and application.
  3. Prepare the Surface: Clean the wood surface as previously described and let it dry thoroughly. Sanding may also be necessary if the wood is rough or has imperfections.
  4. Apply the Stain: Using a brush, roller, or sprayer, apply a uniform coat of the stain following the manufacturer’s instructions. Pay attention to weather conditions, as staining in the right temperature and humidity is crucial for optimal results.
  5. Allow to Dry and Cure: Let the stain dry and cure according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. This typically takes a few days, during which time you should avoid heavy use or exposure to moisture.

applying sikkens coating on to a deck using eezy deck brush

Maintenance Schedule

Maintaining the beauty and protection of your stained wood surface requires a regular schedule. Here’s a general guideline to follow:

Annual Cleaning: Clean your stained wood surface at least once a year or as needed, depending on its exposure to dirt and pollutants.

Biennial Inspection: Inspect your wood surface every two years* for signs of wear, fading, or peeling. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage.

Re-Staining: Depending on the product used and environmental factors, you may need to re-stain your wood surface every 2 to 5 years.

By following this maintenance schedule and using Sikkens timber stains, you can ensure that your stained wood surfaces remain not only beautiful but also durable for many years to come. Remember that proper care not only preserves the aesthetics of your wood but also protects your investment in natural beauty.

In conclusion, timber stain maintenance with Sikkens is a winning combination that enhances and safeguards your wood surfaces. With regular cleaning, timely re-staining, and a consistent maintenance schedule, your wood will continue to grace your living spaces with its timeless charm.


*Exposure dependant. Some surfaces may require a shorter maintenance schedule than others.